所有项目 | Menu
脸部护理 | Facial Treatments
A. 基础护理 | Basic Facial Treatment - $88
深层洁面 | Deep Cleansing
软化角质层 | Exfoliating
紫外光喷雾 | Vapor Spray
清除黑头 | Blackhead Extraction
电疗杀菌 | Detoxification
面部按摩 | Facial Massage
营养面膜 | Nourishing Cream Mask
B. 暗疮抗菌治疗 | Acne Treatment - $98
深层洁面 | Deep Cleansing
软化角质层 | Exfoliating
紫外光喷雾 | Vapor Spray
清除黑头粉刺 | Blackhead Extraction
电疗杀菌 | Detoxification
消炎冷冻倒膜 | Modeling Mask
C. 香芬治疗皮肤护理 | Aromatherapy Facial Treatment - $128
深层洁面 | Deep Cleansing
软化角质层 | Exfoliating
紫外光喷雾 | Vapor Spray
清除黑头粉刺 | Blackhead Extraction
电疗杀菌、修眉 | Eyebrow Shaping
营养精华素导入 | Nutrient Ampoule
特效收缩毛孔 | Pore Reduction
香芬油按摩面部、头部、肩部 | Essence Oil Massage (Head, Neck, and Shoulder)
营养热能倒膜/法国水分软膜 | Thermal Mask/Soft Mask
D. 黑脸娃娃 瓷娃娃 | Vitamin-C Rejuvenation Treatment - $200
深层洁面 | Deep Cleansing
软化角质层 | Exfoliating
紫外光喷雾 | Vapor Spray
清除黑头粉刺 | Blackhead Extraction
电疗杀菌、修眉 | Eyebrow Shaping
AHA奶油面霜按摩面部、头部、肩部 | AHA Cream Massage (Head, Neck, and Shoulder)
AHA奶油眼膜、面膜 | AHA Cream Mask
E. 骨胶原皮肤护理 | Collagen Facial Treatment - $168
深层洁面 | Deep Cleansing
软化角质层 | Exfoliating
紫外光喷雾 | Vapor Spray
清除黑头粉刺 | Blackhead Extraction
电疗杀菌、修眉 | Eyebrow Shaping
骨胶原精华素导入 | Collagen Ampoule
特效收缩毛孔 | Pore Reduction
香芬油按摩面部、头部、肩部 | Essence Oil Massage (Head, Neck, and Shoulder)
骨胶原纤维面膜 | Collagen Mask
F. 超声波漂白护理 | Ultrasonic Facial Treatment - $258
深层洁面 | Deep Cleansing
软化角质层 | Exfoliating
紫外光喷雾 | Vapor Spray
清除黑头粉刺 | Blackhead Extraction
电疗杀菌、修眉 | Eyebrow Shaping
香芬油按摩面部、头部、肩部 | Essence Oil Massage (Head, Neck, and Shoulder)
超声波漂白祛斑 | Ultrasonic Brightening
滋润眼膜 | Moisturizing Eye Mask
营养热能倒膜/法国水分软膜 | Thermal Mask/Soft Mask
韩国小气泡深层清洁 | Korean Microbubble Deep Cleanse - $180
美白除皱提升水光针 | Mesotherapy
局部护理 | Area Treatments
G. 手部护理 | Hand Treatment - $35
手部洁肤 | Deep Cleansing
软化角质层 | Exfoliating
滋润营养热手膜 | Moisturizing Hand Paraffin Mask
手部按摩 | Hand Massage
H. 冷光局部/全面去皱护理 | Eye Partial/Full Treatment
一部分 | One Part - $65
两部分 | Two Part - $120
全面 | Full Treatment - $160
I. 钻石磨皮活肤 | Dermo Microabrasion Facial Therapy - $180
深层清洁 | Deep Cleansing
磨皮换肤 | Exfoliation
冷静面膜 | Facial Mask
J. 光子护理 | Photorejuvenation - $300
祛除黑斑 | Remove Freckles
改善肤色 | Brightens Skin
嫩肤美白 | Rejuvenate Skin
改善毛孔粗大 | Reduce Pores
K. 抽黑排毒素 | Lymphatic Treatment - $35
淋巴排毒 | Lymphatic Toxin Removal
L .拉长嫁接睫毛 | Eyelash Extension - $128
M. 热拉提 | Thermolift - $300
祛除面部皱纹 | Visibly Remove Wrinkles
提升面部、颈部、祛除双下巴 | Lifts Skin
促进蛋白质增长 | Promotes Collagen Regrowth
永久治疗 | Permanent Treatments
7D逆龄聚拉提(局部) | 7D ULTRAFORMER (Area) - $800
超声刀(局部) | Ultrasound Face Lift (Area) - $800
提升面部 | Lifting
抗衰老 | Anti-aging
超皮秒 | Picosecond Laser Treatment - $600
移除各种疑难斑 | Removes Various Skin Imperfections
N. 瘦身护理 | Weight Reduction - $300
打碎燃烧脂肪 | Breaks Down Burnable Fat
促进自身血液循环 | Promotes Blood Circulation
通经活络 | Massage to Remove Toxins
O. 丰胸健胸 | Breast Therapy - $90
物理疗法 | Physical Therapy
淋巴排毒 | Lymphatic Toxin Removal
促进乳腺增长 | Promotes Growth in Mammary Glands
P. 脱毛 | Hair Removal - 蜜蜡 | Wax - 激光 | Laser
眉毛 | Eyebrow - $20
唇毛 | Upper Lips - $300
面毛 | Facial Hair - $45 - $300
手部 (上、下) | Full Arms - $45-150
手部 (下) | Upper/Lower Arms - $25-150
腿部 (上、下) | Full Legs - $55 - $1000
腿部 (下) | Upper/Lower Legs - $35 - $500
腋毛 | Under Arm - $25 - $500
比基尼 | Bikini - $40 - $500
绣眉、眼线、亮唇 | Permanent Makeups
3D雾眉/丝雾眉 | 3D Brow/Microbraiding - $780
自然眼线 | Eyeliner Tattoo - $550
洗眉 | Eyebrow Removal - $350
立体亮唇 | Lipliner Tattoo - $600
其他 | Other
脱痣脱肉粒 | Birthmark Removal - $30UP
白妆 | Daytime Makeup - $55
晚妆 | Nighttime Makeup - $55
新娘妆 | Bridal Makeup - $180